Operation Cheddi

Operation Cheddi was the transport of our capybara “Cheddi” from Georgetown, Guyana to a zoo outside Houston, TX.


Cheddi was captured as a juvenile by a hunting party of the Macushi indigenous people crossing the Rewa river near the remote village of Rewa in southern Guyana in 2019. Being too small to eat, she was given to me while on a fishing trip.

Entering Rewa
Rewa Village
Gordon Ramsay in Rewa

Living in Guyana

While living in Guyana, Cheddi had a 500 gallon water tank with stairs to swim in and had grass delivered twice a week from the National Park.

Just got home
Easter 2019
On the Couch
Tag Reads “Do Not Eat Me”
Local Celebrity Status
Taking A Swim
Making Friends

“Operation Cheddi

Guyana EPA
Headed Out
Miami Terminal
Loading Up
18 Hour Drive
In Transit
Arrival at Zoo
First Steps in USA